
Research and Publication Ethics

Authors: Authorship should be limited to those who contributed to the conception, design, or execution of the work submitted (or published), or interpretation of the data.

Data access and preservation: Authors may be asked to provide raw data associated with their article for editorial review and may provide reader access to the data.

Attribution: Proper credit should always be given for the work of others

Conflicts of interest for editors, reviewers, and authors: All submissions must include disclosure of any relationships that could be considered to represent a potential conflict of interest as outlined below, and should be noted in the paper as "Researcher OOO has received some compensation as a consultant from Company X", "Author OOO has financial assets in Company X", etc

A potential conflict of interest exists when a researcher, author, editor, or reviewer has financial/personal interests or beliefs that may affect or improperly influence their objectivity. The following may be considered the most obvious conflicts of interest.

• Direct: employment, stock ownership, grant patents
• Indirect factors: honor, consulting for sponsoring organizations, mutual fund ownership, paid expert testimonials
• Personal relationships, academic rivalries, etc. can also present conflicts of interest.
• Relatives who work for companies whose products the researcher evaluates
• Personal interests, such as promotion based on research results

Gender Innovation Policy: If the content or object of the study is targeted to a specific gender or gender only, except for gender-specific relevant observables such as prostate cancer and breast cancer, the researcher must provide a reasonable explanation in the methodology.

Fundamental errors in published work: If there are significant errors or inaccuracies in the published work, it is the researcher's obligation to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and to retract or revise the paper with the cooperation of the editor.

Human and patient data: Research involving human subjects must include the approval number of the institutional review board (IRB: number) and a statement of compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki in the Materials and Methods. Research on patients requires ethics committee approval and informed consent, which must be described in the Materials and Methods.

Animal study: Research involving animals must include the approval of the institutional animal care and use committee of the researcher's institution. In addition, the animal's living environment and killing method must be accurately described in the Materials and Methods.

Research misconduct: If an editor or reviewer suspects misconduct in a submitted manuscript, the article in question is held in review and not published until the allegations are resolved. The editor will contact the author(s) to determine if the basis for the investigation is justified. If serious research misconduct is found, the editor may contact the author(s)' institution. If research misconduct is suspected after the article has been published, it will be referred to the Ethics Committee for evaluation and recommendation of action in accordance with the code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors of the committee on publication ethics (COPE; https://publicationethics.org/) and the regulations of the Editorial Board of the Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics.
Depending on the severity of the misconduct, the article may be retracted, the institution may be notified, and publication in KJAB may be restricted.
KJAB checks papers submitted through various channels for plagiarism, duplicate publication, and self-plagiarism, and if the submitted paper shows similarity to another author's paper, the author may be asked to revise the paper or the paper may be rejected. If a submission plagiarizes the work of others, the submission will be rejected and additional sanctions may be imposed as described above.

Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must write completely original work, and when authors cite their work or the work of others, they must properly attribute the citation.

Multiple, Duplicate, or Simultaneous publication: Authors should not publish manuscripts on the same study in more than one journal or major publication. An exception to this is the submission of material presented at a conference of the Korean Society of Exercise Biomechanics to the regular issue of The Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics (KJAB; official abbreviation will be required in the future, e.g. Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics).

Pre-publication: All publications, including articles, parts of articles, figures and tabulated data, published in digital or print formats are considered pre-publication. However, doctoral dissertations are not considered pre-publication.

Confidentiality obligations of editors and reviewers to authors: The editors and reviewers of KJAB treat all submitted manuscripts as confidential documents and shall not disclose or use the manuscript information to anyone without the author's permission. However, the editors, secretariat, and reviewers have access to the manuscript during the review process.