
Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics Manuscript Submission Policies

Revised on April 28, 2007
Revised on October 05, 2007
Revised on December 12, 2009
Revised on January 30, 2010
Revised on April 20, 2013
Revised on April 26, 2014
Revised on June 26, 2016
Revised on March 17, 2021
Revised on February 24, 2023

Ⅰ. General policy

1. The Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics (KJAB) publishes manuscripts that report original and effective findings pertaining to sport biomechanics and applied biomechanics of exercise, medicine, material, etc.
1) Regular paper: Original research containing conclusions or facts that are independently valuable.
2) Note: Findings that cannot be presented as a regular paper but are worthy of publication, such as a discovery in a limited field or a new experimental method.
3) Review: Reviews in all fields pertaining to physical activity. Manuscripts that present recent research trends in a specific field or critiques of existing knowledge in the field through rigorous literature reviews are preferentially selected.
4) Short Communication: Manuscripts that contain original and significant discoveries or conclusions supported by empirical data and exhibit adequate grounds for preferential publication.
2. KJAB does not consider manuscripts that have already been published in other journals.
3. Both the first author and coauthors should be members of the Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics.
4. Manuscripts submitted to the KJAB for consideration for publication should not be submitted to other journals until a final decision is made by the editorial committee.
5. The KJAB is published real time online.
6. The KJAB accepts rolling submissions at any time.

Ⅱ. Evaluation policy

1. Acceptance decisions for all manuscripts are determined by the Journal Editorial Committee.
2. The Journal Editorial Committee appoints two reviewers in accordance with the topic of each manuscript, and final decision on a manuscript is made upon an assessment of the reviewers.
3. If the committee determines as necessary, an external reviewer may be appointed to review a manuscript for acceptance.
4. When the content of a manuscript is determined inappropriate, the Journal Editorial Committee may request the authors to make revisions and updates, and authors may revise and edit the manuscript as per the submission policies.
5. A manuscript is deferred for publication until the subsequent issue should the author fail to address the committee’s request for revisions and updates by the specified deadline.
6. In principle, manuscript reviews are conducted privately.
7. Results of manuscript reviews are released as one of the following decisions: accept, accept after revision, second round review after revision, and reject.
8. Manuscript submission is on a rolling basis. Submission confirmations are issued on the date of manuscript arrival at the KJAB office.
9. Comprehensive decisions on general reviews
A. Comprehensive decisions on general reviews

Review A Review B Final decision
Accept Accept Accept
Accept Accept after revision Accept after revision
Accept after revision Accept after revision Accept after revision
Accept Second-round review after revision Accept after revision
Accept after revision Second-round review after revision Second-round review after revision
Second-round review after revision Second-round review after revision Second-round review after revision
Second-round review after revision Reject Reject
Reject Reject Reject (no resubmission)
Accept Reject Third review (reviewer C)
Accept after revision Reject Third review (reviewer C)
Third review (reviewer C) Accept Accept
Accept after revision Accept after revision
Reject Reject
Second review by Review A Second review by Review B Final decision
Accept Accept Accept
Accept Accept after revision Accept after revision
Accept after revision Accept after revision Accept after revision
Accept Reject Reject (no resubmission)
Accept after revision Reject Reject (no resubmission)

* Accept: Accepted for publication without revision
* Accept after revision: Accepted for publication after the author makes the requested revisions, including spelling, units, and additional editing, and revision is confirmed
* Second-round review after revision: Second-round reviews are needed after necessary revisions and updates owing to unclear or insufficient content in the manuscript
* Reject: Rejected for publication

B. Results of third-reviewer and second-round reviews are released as one of the following decisions: accept, accept after revision, and reject.

Ⅲ. Manuscript preparation

1. Manuscripts should be organized in compliance with the following system:
1) All manuscripts should be divided into the title page and manuscript section.
2) The title page should be written in the following order: Title, Authors, Author information, corresponding author information, and Acknowledgments.
3) The manuscript section should be written in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
4) Affiliations of professors and lecturers should be distinguished from those of graduate students in the author information section.

• Example for writing affiliations:
Professors and lecturers: Department or Division, University, City, Nation
Graduate students: Department, Graduate School, City, Nation

Age-related changes in multi-finger synergy during constant force production with and without additional mechanical constraint

Bom Park1,3, Yeo Reum Kim2, Ga Eul Shim3,4

1 Department of Physical Education, 000 University, Seoul, South Korea
2 Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of 000 University, Seoul, South Korea
3 Department of Kinesiology, University of 000, College Park, MD, USA
4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, 000 University, Yong-in, South Korea
5) The name of the first author is written first, and the corresponding author information (name, address of affiliation, landline number, fax number, and e-mail address) and acknowledgements are written at the bottom of the page.
• Example of declaring the corresponding author and acknowledgments

Corresponding author
Ga Eul Shim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Kinesiology/Fischell Department of Bioengineering/Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NACS) Program
University of 000
0110F SPH Building, College Park, MD 20742
Phone: 00.000.0000, Fax: 02.000.0000, E-mail: jjj@edu

This study was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (Nos. NRF-2012R1 and NRF-2013R1A).

6) Consents from all the contributing authors of the manuscript must be uploaded at submission (file upload).
7) Subtitles should be written in accordance with sequential serial numbers.
• Example of writing serial numbers
Ⅰ→ 1. → 1) → (1) → ① ...
8) Theoretical background (or relevant research) should be concisely analyzed and summarized in the Introduction section.
9) The Conclusions and Discussion sections should be distinguished. The Conclusion section could be written as conclusions and suggestions.
 Manuscript construction


Example of a research manuscript structure
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Methods
Ⅲ. Results
Ⅳ. Discussion
Ⅴ. Conclusion
[Title page]

Title: A kinematic analysis of ○○○ technical movement
Authors: Gil Dong Hong1, Young Hee Kim2, Young Hee Park3
Affiliations: 1University of Kinematics, 2University of Korea, 3Korea Research Institute
Corresponding author: Gil Dong Hong, PhD
Address: Physical Education Building No. 00, 00-dong, 00-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Telephone: 010-0000-0000
Fax: 02-000-000

2. The KJAB prefers manuscripts written in Korean and English
3. Manuscripts should be formatted single-spaced and on A4-size paper in MS Word. Manuscripts have a 8 page (4000-word) cap based on the sample manuscript for publication in the KJAB.
4. Manuscript submissions are on a rolling basis, and the date of submission is the confirmed date of online submission of the manuscript at www.e-kjab.org.
5. English abstracts are required for all manuscripts. Abstracts are limited to 20 lines in accordance with the sample-edit MS Word file for publication in the KJAB.
6. Manuscripts must be in MS Word 97 format or higher.

Objective: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a prevalent orthopedic problem in children aged 10 to 16 years.
Methods: Fourteen adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (3 men and 11 women) participated in this study.
Results: AIS of ground reaction force (GRF) magnitude positively correlated with adjusted Cobb's angle (ACA) and maximum Cobb's angle (MCA) mainly during the peak of the braking phase (r = 0.644 for ACA).
Conclusion: We conclude that the spinal deformities of the AIS patients that were estimated by using the MCA and ACA are generally associated with greater asymmetry of GRF magnitudes in walking.

Keywords: Type in capital letters 6 keywords that describe your paper (e.g., Adolescent, Scoliosis, Asymmetry)

□ Formatting figures and tables
1. Attached figures must have adequate resolutions to be printed. Both color and black-and-white photographs or figures are accepted.
2. Table and figure legends must be written in English.
3. When mentioned within the text, tables and figures should be placed within angle brackets as follows: Table 1 or Figure 1. When mentioned indirectly at the end of a sentence in the text, tables and figures should be placed within parentheses as follows: (Table 1) or (Figure 1). When the text refers to both a table and figure, both should be placed within the same parentheses as follows: (Table 1, Figure 1). For legends, the words table and figure should be written without any brackets or parentheses as follows: Table 1. or Figure 1.
4. All tables must be written only with horizontal lines. The top and bottom lines of the table should be set to 0.3 mm, and double lines should not be used.
5. Table legends are placed above the tables, and figure legends are placed below the figures.
6. When citing a figure or table, the proper reference should be written below the cited table or figure.
7. Units used within tables and figures must be written in its original language.
8. Units used in tables should be indicated at the top right corner of the table in parentheses.
9. All abbreviations and acronyms used within tables and figures should be detailed as a separate note at the bottom of the corresponding tables and figures.

□ Mathematical and statistical symbols
1. By convention, all raw data used in a paper should be kept to a minimum of 3 years following the publication of the article. The same applies to the raw data reported in papers submitted to the KASB.
2. Equations for statistical analyses that are generally used should not be explained in the text.
3. Statistical or mathematical equations are presented in the text if they are new or necessary.
4. When presenting inferential statistics, the statistical symbol, degree of freedom, statistics, and level of significance should be presented together. Do not write a zero in front of the decimal signifying significance level: p< .001.
5. Uppercase N is used to refer to the number of subjects, and lowercase n is used to represent a sample.

□ Fonts and numbers
1. Letters used as a statistical symbol or mathematical variable should be written in italics.
t = 9.15 (p<.01) or F = 2.35 (p<.05)
2. Chemistry terms, trigonometric terms, Greek letters, and abbreviations and acronyms are not written in italics.
3. In general, Arabian numbers are used for numbers greater than or equal to 10; and letters are used for numbers less than 10. Commas are inserted every three digits for numbers greater than 1,000.

□ Citing literature
For citations of other literatures within the text, the family name of the author and year of publication are written within parentheses.
- Data quoted from a book or published material, data regarding test items, and verbal instructions given to study subjects should be written in direct quotations.
- Short quotations (less than 40 words) should be included within the text in direct quotation marks (“ “). Longer quotations of more than 40 words are distinguished from the main text without direct quotation marks. Such quotations should be written in a separate paragraph with a five-character left and right indentation.
- Only the author, year of publication, and page number should be cited in the text, and full references should be written out in the References section.
- If the author is a group, the full name of the group should be written out in the first citation, and acronyms should be used in the subsequent citations.

1. For one or two authors, all names of the authors should be written out in all citations in the text.
2. For three to five authors, the family names of all the authors should be written out in the first citation. In subsequent citations, only the family name of the first author followed by “et al.,” and the year of publication should be written.
3. For multiple citations of works by the same author, the family name is written once followed by the years of publication separated by a comma.
4. For citations of multiple articles published in the same year by the same author, the year of publication should only be written once while distinguishing the articles with lowercase letters (e.g., a, b, c).
5. When citing different authors for the same content in the text, within parentheses, the authors should be named in alphabetical order followed by their corresponding year of publication after a comma, with each citation separated by a semicolon, by using quotation marks.
6. For six or more authors, the last name of the first author should be written with “et al.” and the year of publication. The names of all the authors should be written out in the reference list.
7. If two separate articles with three or more authors are similarly abbreviated for citation purposes, the family names of a sufficient number of authors should be written out (family names) until the two articles are distinguished, using commas to separate the author names and “et al.” in the end.
8. Download the end-note style from the electronic version of the KJAB (www.e-kjab.org) for style references in Word files.

Citation type First citation within the text Repeated citation Parentheses for first citation within the text Parentheses for repeated citation
Single author Kim (2013) Kim (2013) (Kim, 2013) (Kim, 2013)
Two authors Park and Kim (2013) Park and Kim (2013) (Park & Kim, 2013) (Park & Kim, 2013)
Three to five authors Lee, Parkr and Kim (2013) Lee et (2013) (Lee, Park & Kim, 2013) (Lee et al., 2013)
More than six authors Kim et (2013) Kim et (2013) (Kim et al., 2013) (Kim et al., 2013)
Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics(KSSB, 2013) KSSB (2013) (Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics[KSSB], 2013) (KSSB, 2013)
(No acronyms)
Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics (2013) Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics (2013) (Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics, 2013) (Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics, 2013)

□ References
The references should be arranged in compliance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The references should be arranged in alphabetical order. Specific style guidelines are listed below:
1. Periodical publications
1) Author (Year of publication). Article title. Journal name. Volume (Issue) number. Page number.
- Author, year of publication:
All authors should be named by family name, first name initials. A comma is used after the family name. For two or more authors, “&” should be inserted before the final author. The year of publication should ensue in parenthesis.

Bread, J. B., & Ragheb, M. G. (1980).
- Article title:
Title and subtitle (title following “ : ”) Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. All the words that follow are written in lowercase.
- Name of the journal and publishing information (volume, issue, and page number):
The names of the journal and volume number are italicized. The first letters of nouns and pronouns in the journal name should be capitalized. Only numbers should be written for the issue and page numbers.

Mcpherson, B. D. (1984). Biomechanical analysis of the lower limb in running. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 1(2), 34-42.

2) Newspaper article

New ski technique reduced the risk of knee injury for alpine skiers (1993, July 13). The Washington Post, p 21.

2. Books
1) Author or editor (Year of publication). Book title. City of publication: Publisher.
- Author, Editor: Denote edited books with (Ed.) or (Eds.).
- Year of publication: the year in which the book was published.
- Book title: Italicized. The first letters of nouns and pronouns are capitalized. If the book was printed beyond the second edition, state the specific edition after the title.
- City of publication: the city of publication and the publisher name are separated by a colon.

Winter, D. A. (1990). Biomechanics and Motor control of Human Movement. 2nd edition. Wiley-Interscience Publication, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

2) Research article or commissioned reports
- Author of report (Year of publication). Report title (Publication serial number). City of publication: publishing department.
3) Master’s and doctorate dissertations
- Author (Year of article preparation). Dissertation title. Unedited master’s (doctorate) thesis. Graduate school.
- Italicize the dissertation title, and capitalize the first letters of nouns and pronouns only.

Yoo, S. H. (2015). Classification of the Hand Techniques by Angular Momentum in the Taekwondo Poomsae. Unpublished Doctor's Dissertation (or Master’s Thesis). Graduate School of Korea National Sport University.

4) Online reference

Sun, L. H. & Dennis, B. (2016, July, 18). Elderly Zika patient in Utah may have infected a family contact. The Washington Post. Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/07/18/elderly-zika-patient-in-utah-may-have-infected-a-family-contact.

5) Conference or symposium proceedings
- Published symposium

Abdel-Aziz, Y. I., & Karara, H. M. (1971). Direct linear transformation from comparator coordinates in object-space coordinates in close range photogrammetry. Proceedings of the ASP Symposium of Close-Range Photogrammetry. Urbana: University of Illinois.

- Poster session

Lim, Y., & Chow, J. (1994 June). Lumbar spinal loads: Application to tennis serve. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the mid-west biomechanics symposium, Chicago.

3. Citations, reference citations in text
1) Data quoted from research articles published by another author, data regarding test items, and verbal instructions given to study subjects should be written in direct quotations.
2) Short quotations (less than 40 words) should be included within the text in direct quotation marks (“ “). Longer quotations of more than 40 words are distinguished from the main text without direct quotation marks. Such quotations should be written in a separate paragraph with a five-character left and right indentation.
3) Only the author, year of publication, and page number should be stated within the text for citations, and full references should be written out in the References section.
4) If the author is a group, the full name of the group should be written out in the first citation, and the acronym should be used in subsequent citations.

4. Appeals
1) Authors who wish to dispute a rejection of their manuscript may file an appeal to the editorial department within 3 days of the final decision.
2) When an appeal is filed, an appeal subcommittee comprising a chief editor and two deputy chief editors are formed. The authors are notified of the subcommittee’s decision regarding the appeal within 3 weeks after the filing of the appeal.
3) If the appeal is accepted, a new reviewer is assigned to review the rejection decision.
4) An appeal cannot be filed for a manuscript that has been rejected by all three reviewers.

5. Miscellaneous policies
1) Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication must pay a publication fee of 250,000 Korean won, with an additional fee of 30,000 won per page for pages that exceed the 8-page limit after editing.
2) Authors who have received funding for their research must state their research task number and pay a fee of 200,000 won in addition to the publication fee.
3) Articles are published via the electronic version of the journal with no separate printed copies. However, authors may receive a printed copy by contacting the Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics and paying the required expenses.
4) Articles published through the KJAB may not be reproduced without permission.
5) The following conditions apply to papers that have been presented at a conference:
A. Articles for KJAB proceedings should be submitted as a short full paper of four pages or less.
B. Invited speakers have no page or word caps for their submitted articles.
C. When submitting conference papers to the KJAB, a complete full paper must be submitted by supplementing and updating the short full paper.
6) At least three references of the KJAB are required.

 Editing style guidelines

1) The KJAB does not set a firm editing style requirement. Authors should refer to the sample file (English and Korean) posted on the electronic version of the journal when preparing their papers.
2) However, the KJAB recommends that manuscripts be limited to 8 pages with single spacing, size 10 font, and size 9 font for the reference list.

Guidelines for the use of units of measurement

Correct notation Wrong notation Correct notation Wrong notation
12⊔cm 12cm 30⊔mm/min 30mm/min 30mm/min,
8⊔m 8M 25⊔m/sec 25m/sec
10⊔㎛ 10µm, 10µ 30° 30⊔°
12⊔g 22g pH⊔6.0 PH6.0 pH6.0
5⊔kg 51kg, 51Kg, 51kgs 15⊔MPa(mega pascal) 15mPa, 15Mpa
36⊔ml 36mL, 36ml 15% 15⊔%
20⊔l 201, 20.01, 20.0L 0.14⊔mg% 0.14mg%
12.5⊔hr 12.5hr, 12.5hrs Range
3.8⊔min 3.8min, 3.8mins 0.5-0.8g 0.5~0.8g
10⊔sec 10sec, 10s 0.5_0.8g
*⊔ symbol: one space